Directions For Care & Use:
*Hand or Machine Wash*
*Rinse Out Before First Use*
*No Fabric Softener Needed*
*Line Dry, or In Dryer with Low Heat*
*Color Fast: May be used with any type bleach or sanitizer.*
For full absorbency and streak free use, rinse out your Super Absorbent Shammy Cloth before using the first time, using any detergent that does not contain softeners; all new fabric has sizing in it and this will remove it. Rinse thoroughly in clear water to remove detergent. When dirty, hand or machine-wash your Chamois / Shammy Cloths as per instructions below under "care".
For fastest absorbency, use damp. On vehicles, windows and mirrors, dry with a damp Shammy and then follow with a dry pre-washed one. Dry Shammies can be used to polish windows, wax or polish a car, or dust furniture.
Cut to fit your swiffer-type mop. Use 2 gallons of water and 1/2 cup of white vinegar; wet shammy cloth, wring well, and apply to mop. Cleans hard wood, laminated or ceramic tile without leaving it wet, or a soap residue.

Uses For Your Synthetic Chamois / Shammy:
The Super Absorbent Shammy Cloth is made of 100% viscose making it very unique. It allows it to be extremely absorbent, machine washable, while drying soft. Even when used daily your Chamois Cloth will last you a very long time. There are 100's of uses for your Absorbent Shammy Cloths. Below we have listed many of them with instructions for the best results.
Carpet Cleaning / Wet Spills: Wet your Chamois / Shammy Cloth, wring it out, and place on your spill. There is no need to press. The capillary action of your Shammy Cloth will pull out any moisture by just laying it over the spill. Wring out and repeat as many times as needed to absorb all the liquid. Then finish with equal parts of water and white vinegar. For old stains, saturate with white vinegar, then use your Chamois / Shammy to absorb. Flush with cold water 2 or 3 times, absorbing with your Shammy after each time. Make sure you flush all vinegar out as it could fad your carpeting or fabric.
Oil Stains: Use a mixture of lukewarm water and "Fantastic", "409", or Shaving Cream. Loosen with a soft brush, wait a few minutes and absorb liquid with your damp Shammy Cloth. Wet with cold water and a tablespoon of white vinegar to cut the suds and then again absorb with your damp Shammy.
Polishing: Use your Shammy Cloth dry with your favorite polishing compound.
Dusting: Use your Synthetic Chamois to dust your fine wood, electronics and even your computer. Use either dry or damp with or without your polish.
Car Care: Use with soap and water to wash your car. The Shammy Cloth does a great job because it holds so many suds. For drying, use your Shammy Cloth just as you would a regular leather chamois. Wipe in one direction only! You may also use your Shammy Cloth wet or dry for applying wax. Use dry for removing wax and buffing. (follow pre-wash instructions)
Window Cleaning: Mix 2 gallons of water with 1/2 cup of white vinegar to wash windows and mirrors. 2 gallons of water with just a drop of dish soap works well too. Polish with a pre-washed and dried Shammy Cloth for a lint free, streak free shine.
Paints: You may even use your Super Absorbent Chamois / Shammy Cloth to absorb latex and oil based paints, oil and grease. To remove these substances from your Shammy Cloth, just rinse out in paint thinner or degreaser, then follow with normal washing instructions (see below under "care").
Synthetic Chamois are an excellent Pet Grooming Supply!

Care Of Your Absorbent Chamois / Shammy Cloth:
Hand or machine wash using any fabric detergent, ones with fabric softener not recommended. (Rinse out before first use as stated above.) You may also add bleach (our Shammies are color fast) or other sanitizer to the wash water. If Shammy was used to absorb oil, grease, or paint, rinse out thoroughly with paint thinner or degreaser, then follow with normal washing. Rinse water should be clear or add a cup of white vinegar, fabric softeners are not needed. Our Shammies dry soft without softeners. Line dry or dry in dryer with NO or LOW HEAT. It is not a good idea to wash with items that are fuzzy or shed, as they may collect lint, then they will no longer be "Lint-Free". To maintain best absorbency, Shammies should be washed without fabric softener (they really do not need it), and air dry or use lowest heat setting in dryer.
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