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Removing Sticky Build-Up in the Kitchen
We found a quick and easy way to remove that sticky greasy gunk that can build up on cabinets, microwaves, range hoods and more. Simply grab a can of Endust brand no-wax, no residue cleaning and dusting spray or similar product. Apply a spray of the Endust to your clean, dry, super absorbent shammy cloth and rub the area until the gunk is removed. You may need to do this a few times depending on level of build up, using a clean section of your shammy cloth each time. Not only does this remove the build up, but it shines and polishes your appliances and cabinets, making them look as good as new! It will also help repel future build-up, spills and fingerprints. When you are finished, just toss your shammy in the wash and use a good grease removing detergent such as Tide (no fabric softeners) and air or fluff dry.
Polish Fine Silver, Safe & Effectively
That shiny, reflective surface of your silver objects soon looses its luster when oxidization causes that familiar black tarnish. A chemical reaction from exposure to outside elements and atmosphere causes the tarnish to appear on silver. The more humid the climate, the faster it accelerates. Don't worry though. With the proper care your silver can last more than a lifetime. Plus it's easy to do. Clean your silver with a product made for silver cleaning. You can easily find a silver polish cleaner in your local grocery or pharmacy store. Silver scratches easily so the less abrasive it is, the better. Look for a silver polish that washes off instead of one the dries and buffs off. You can obtain non-abrasive cleaners with anti-tarnish protection.
Polish and clean your silver with a non-scratching, lint-free shammy cloth. Other fabrics may be made with abrasive compounds that can produce scratches. Only use a horse hair brush to remove grime from intricate designs. Handle your silver wearing cotton gloves to keep fingerprints off your new shiny surface.
Other types of silver cleaning methods exist but aren't recommended. Chemical dips and electrochemical cleaning can damage your silver with scratches and pitting. The chemical dip is only recommended for severely tarnished silver that won't clean with a polish.
A few simple tricks can reduce silver from tarnishing. Store your silver individually inside polyethylene bags. You can wrap your silver item with sulfur free archival quality tissue. Guard your silver against moisture by placing a small bag or container of desiccated silica gel and activated charcoal in the bag. Anti-tarnish strips are another alternative to silica gel and charcoal and they guard against corrosion and absorb airborne pollutants that cause tarnish.
A big No No is cleaning your silver in the dishwasher. The hard detergent and extreme hot water will damage your silver with scratches and pitting. Hand wash your silver and dry with a lint-free shammy towel.
Remember... give your silver regular care and you'll have those heirloom treasures for future generations to enjoy.